天 声 人 語

改 訂 版 2022.12.26 改訂

兵 学 家 深代惇郎の天声人語(朝日新聞社)昭和五十一年十一月十日第六刷 P.348 (49.4.17)







サイコロの目 深代惇郎の天声人語(朝日新聞社)昭和五十一年十一月十日第六刷 P.268 (49.7.29)










 長期予報の的中率は五割未満。気象庁も三カ月以上は統計的確立予報で発表しているわけだが、この場合の予報の実態は、とても科学的とは呼べないものだ。長期予報の成績は六十%ぐらとされているが、純粋に当たるか当たらないかで見れば的中率は五割に満たない。つまり半分以上ははずれである。      『選択 九年十二月号』




感想1:雑誌『選択』(選択出版株式会社)設立 1974年4月:『選択』(せんたく)は、選択出版株式会社の発行する月刊の雑誌(総合雑誌)。毎月1日発行。完全宅配制度を採り、書店での販売は行っていない。発行部数は6万部。2008年6月号で400号を迎えた。

 July 2018号は、「外交の安倍」という虚名の記事がある。






女性党首 深代惇郎の天声人語(朝日新聞社)昭和五十一年十一月十日第六刷 P.201 (50.2.13)






参考:ジョンソン(Samuel Johnson)(1709―1784)



子 守 唄 深代惇郎の天声人語(朝日新聞社)昭和五十一年十一月十日第六刷 P.161 (50.7.17)






「本日正午」 深代惇郎の天声人語(朝日新聞社)昭和五十一年十一月十日第六刷 P.160 (50.8.14)







激 論 深代惇郎の天声人語(朝日新聞社)昭和五十一年十一月十日第六刷 P.161 (50.8.15)








今日的情念 深代惇郎の天声人語(朝日新聞社)昭和五十一年十一月十日第六刷 P.256 (50.10.24)






壮大な予言 深代惇郎の天声人語(朝日新聞社)昭和五十一年十一月十日第六刷 P.349









41 説得の手法 天声人語 '92春の号(第88集)(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日[訳]1992年7月9日 第1刷 P.106 (1992.2.22)









There are various ways to express oneself. For instance, there is the method of talking about something in an exaggerated fashion. In "Gulliver's Travels" are found of Lilliput, whose inhabitants are only 6 inches tall, and the land of Brobdingnag with human beings 60 feet tall. The height of the ordinary person is drastically expanded or excessively shortened. Interesting discoveries are made.

There is the method of looking at things upside-down. In "Gulliver's Travels," there is also a country in which horses live like human beings and human beings are used like horses. This is interesting because we can observe and recognize in detail things that we ordinary overlook as natural things.

This method of turning a situation upside-down and thinking about it can be used when trying to persuade children and people about something. As a method of persuasive expression, there is the method of offering three choices. The first and third proposals are extreme arguments. The one that you want accepted is the second one.

And you submit the three proposals, saying, "What do you think?" One who was very adept at using this method in his speeches was former U.S. President Richard Nixon.

Presented with three thought-over policies, people asked themselves: The first and third ones are both extreme. Under the present circumstances, isn't the second one proper and appropriate as the president says?

I recalled the above while I was reading the report drafted by the special committee of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. It is the report of "special committee on Japan's role in international society." It says there is need to study constructive cooperation with and even participation in the so-called United Nations forces.

The "so-called U.N. forces" have never existed, and cooperation and participation are impossible under past interpretation of the Constitution. People who hear this proposal are surprised. At the present stage, it appears to be the "first proposal." In the latter half of the report, "new duties such as participation in the U.N. peacekeeping and emergency aid activities" appears. Is this the "second proposal"?

Everyone is thinking that the "third proposal" that Japan does nothing is not good. A dispassionate debate on Japan's "role," taking into consideration wide fields including the new world order, foreign policy, security, and environment, is indispensable.



41 「ルーツ」の著者 アレックス・ヘイリー 天声人語 '92春の号(第88集)(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日[訳]1992年7月9日 第1刷 P.90 (1992.2.14)










Alex Haley, the author of "Roots," a best-selling book about 15 years ago, has died. Adapted as a multi-episode television series, the saga greatly excited America. The book was translated into many languages.

Going back seven generations on the distaff side, Haley traced his lineage to a boy named Kunta Kinte, a villager in Gambia. "Roots" is a detailed account of what happened to the boy and generations of his family after he was kidnapped by a slave trader and shipped to America in the 18th century. The author spent a long time researching the book.

Haley called the book a "faction, a story based on fact, explaining that although it was not entirely based on fact, it was not a piece of fiction, either. The book struck readers with a vivid portrayal of the experiences blacks in America went through: slave trade hard labor and persecution. It provided a kind of historical education for Americans as they observed the 200th anniversary of their country.

The author said he believed that by writing the history of the "sufferings blacks were forced to go through," he had "phenomenally enhanced the self-respect for being black and their pride in their history and ancestors." He also said he had received most pronounced response from second- and third-generation Japanese-Americans after blacks.

"I would like to look at people in terms of their ability, not in terms of whether have a black, white or yellow skin color," Haley said. He harbored a quiet but strong indignation against discrimination based on skin color. It is probably since "Roots" was published that blacks came to be called African-Americans, just like there are such expressions as Japanese-Americans, Chinese-Americans and Italian-Americans.

One thing I heard from Hayley is unforgettable. In the Gambian village where Kunta Kinte grew up, when a baby is born the father drops out of sight for seven days to rack his brain for a good name for the child. On the eighth day the whole village assembles. As drums are beaten, the father, with his mouth close to the ear of the baby, whispers the name he has chosen, as if breathing into the child. Villagers, listening in, shout the name when they make out the whisper.

At night the father, making the baby look at the moon and stars in his arms, declares: "Look at them. They are the only things greater than you."

This custom reminds one of the dignity of all human beings who are distinguished from one another by different names.

Copy on 2021.09.28

13 銭 湯 '92 夏の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1992年10月12日 第1刷 P.12 (1992.4.6)









I would fain go to a hot spring, but even the nearest lies many leagues away. Since the journey costs me dearly, to begin with, I seldom go there.

However, there is an inexpensive way to steep in the same mood as in a hot spring: to visit a "sento" (Japanese public bath). Unlike in your cramped bathtub at home, you stretch your arms and legs out to the fullest. You can also enjoy conversation with people from neighborhood. In the upcoming season, making a small detour on the way home from the bath for a bottle of beer and some boiled green soybeans, we could put ourselves in a state of nirvana.

Bathing fees for adults range from ¥320 in the highest areas, Tokyo, Chiba and Kanagawa, to ¥200 in the cheapest area, Okinawa. They are by far the lowest compared to other commodity prices. Some public baths charge an additional ¥20 or ¥30 or so for women who wash their hair. This is claimed to be the extra hot water they use, but somewhat strange is that a man with long hair is not charged extra.

Public baths are disappearing one after another, The year of 1964 saw the greatest number, with 23,000 across the nation; this was halved to under 12,000 by 1990. Part of the reason must be the increasing number of houses and apartments with their own baths, but what makes it difficult to secure prospective successor is anachronistical nature of the job which requires long working hours from morning until late at night. Another factor contributing to the decrease in the number of public baths is the small turnover that comes out of the low fees. Several exposed public baths to the effects of land speculation, and many of them have been replaced with rental buildings and apartments which promise are more dependable income.

It is tempting to rate fees, but at 100 or 200 customers per day, not much can be expected. And a fee raise would probably alienate customers. Remodeling is no easy task considering what would be needed to cover such an expense, which would cost from ¥150 million to ¥200 million a building.

The increasing number of public baths going out of business is a serious blow to people in many neighborhoods. The big cities have concentrations of apartments which are not equipped with baths. The owners of public baths that are located in the same neighborhood try not to have their regular days off coincide with each other so that any worker may have access to a bath to wash off of a day’s labor on any day. "We're stretched to the limit as it is, but we're going to stic to our obstinacy in the future, "one owner says. Surely there must be some way to support such obstinacy.

Copy on 2012.10.07

13 季 語 '92 夏の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1992年10月12日 第1刷 P.30 (1992.4.15)











When you go around in the field/Everyone you meet seems kindly/Now is the time of peach flowers.(Suju Takano)

You find your strolls to be the most enjoyable at this time of the year. All kinds of flowers are in bloom. Some flowers are glorious, while some others are pretty. The red flowers of "kunshiran" (Kaffirlily) are magnificent. The white flowers of "yukiyanagi" (spirea, Spiraea thunbergii) make you wonder if they are snow or rice grains. Rape blossoms stretch away in yellow belts. Pale purple radish flowers grace the roadside.

Peach flowers, pear flowers, and all the flowers mentioned above make up "kigo"(season words)for spring.(Haiku rules for the use of at least one "kigo" in each poem.)

Blooming flowers are nice to look at, but flowers about to bloom are also nice, as exemplified by dog-wood-flowers striking cleanliness.

Casually, hiding my intention/I plucked a lilac flower/And put it in my hair.(Tatsuko Hoshino)

Lilacs in Hokkaido probably have to reach the point where you can pick them.

The sight of budding tree leaves is also glorious now. The verdure of buds on persimmon trees is so radiant that your eyes smart. But "kaki wakaba"(budding persimmon leaves)and "shinryoku"(fresh verdure)are "kigo" for summer.

A large number of season words are collected in the haiku lexicon(saijiki) together with examples of how they are used. Someone has aptly described the lexicon as "an index of the sensibilities of the Japanese." The listed words and phrases convey the senses of the seasons and of beauty about nature and life that the Japanese have come to share over the years.

Momoko Kuroda gives sensible advice for haiku beginners in her book "Haiku Composition From Today." One of her suggestions is for the beginners to write a "kigo" diary. They first are to write down season words one by one from the haiku lexicon, committing them to memory. They then are to do the same with the season words and phrases they come across every day.

Appropriate entries in such a diary now may include "hanabie" (cold weather at the time of blooming flowers), "uraraka"(glorious), "nodoka"(peaceful),"kaze hikaru"("wind with a glow"), "miyako wasure"(a grass whose little flowers supposedly make on forget the capital),"kodemari no hana"(flowers of Spiraera cantoniensis), and "wasure jimo"(unseasonally late frost). The beginner in some areas may add "chatumi"(tea picking). Not to be forgotten is “kusamochi”(rice-flour dumpling mixed with mugwort).

Some "kusamochi" pieces in the dish/Are greener than others/But my mother made all of them.(Seison Yamaguchi)

In addition to plants and animals, the "kigo" words and phrases cover extensive fields, including weather, astronomy, geography, life and events. To understand the precise meanings of these words and phrases and to use them as the guide is the best way for us to have a correct perception and recognition of the activities of nature and man.

Copy on 2012.10.6

23 お か ゆ '92 夏の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1992年10月12日 第1刷 P.54 (1992.4.26)









What do most people associate with the word "o-kayu" (rice gruel)? The word may bring back memories of times when you were sick in bed. At first, kayu is served very runny, then the portion of rice is gradually increased. Finally, a sick person is allowed to eat solid rice, porridge. The taste of kayu reminds some people of the joy of recovering from an illness.

But kayu is associate with different things of Japan in different regions of Japan. For example, they say kayu is more commonly eaten in the Kansai area in western Japan, than it is in the Kanto area in eastern Japan. This is a matter of dietary customs, but some explain that the reason is the result of a difference in when rice is cooked. In the Kanto area, people generally cook rice in the morning. They eat the rice for breakfast and lunch; in the evening, the rice is eaten in the same fasion or served with hot water or green tea poured over it.

In the Kansai area, rice is usually cooked at lunch. A portion is eaten then and at dinner; the next morning, hot water is stirred into the leftover rice for kayu. Both customs are said to have been practised. That used to be the case, but now many households in the Kanto area cook rice in the morning? I wonder to watch extream in the Kansai area the custom of eating kayu in the morning has been presaerved.

The type of kayu differs from one place to another as can be seen in "imo(sweet potato)-gayu" and "cha(tea)-gayu." Outside Japan, it is appealing to our tongues to have some breakfast kayu mixed with various ingredients such as meat and fish in such places as Beijing and Guangzhou in China and in Taipei in Taiwan. In Korea I was once offered a small portion of kayu before drinking. In Japan, it is said that kayu has been more of a food for particular days than for eating every day.

It has been a food for annual festivals and ceremonial occasions marking turning points in life. Nanakusa-gayu is rice gruel containing the seven spring herbs. Azuki-gayu made of sweet beans is eaten around mid-January to celebrate the new year. These traditious are still alive. In Niigata Prefecture, they eat a special kayu when they celebrate moving into newly-built houses. For some reason, kayu has reportedly been selling very well recently. The popurality of kayu is the talk of the town.

Production of canned and other forms of instant kayu has gone up more than tenfold in the last five years. Customers crowd around as vans sell kayu in the streets of Tokyo at lunch. Is this a result of the health-conscious boom, or an attempt to get out of the daily routine by injecting a deep emotion into everyday life? I hope the trend is not a symptom of malaise and fatigue.

Copy on 2012.10.4

46 西 瓜 '92 夏の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1992年10月12日 第1刷 P.114 (1992.5.25)







 これからの季節、盛夏炎天のもとで汗をとめ、のどの渇きをいやすには西瓜が一番。家族の人数が少なくなったためか、近頃「小玉」と称する小さな西瓜が目につく。だが、西瓜は、大きいのを、やや騒々しく食べる時が最も楽しい気がする・「西瓜切る→家に水気と色あふれる」 」西東三鬼。



I have just eaten my first watermelon of this year. It was offered to me after I had worked up a good sweat. That slice of watermelon brought my sweat to a quick halt. Watermelon puts me in the mood that summer is coming. I don't like to waste time acting in an elegant manner while eating watermelon. What I like is biting into a slice on the spot. "The young girl's breath is hidden/ behind the red triangular pyramid of the watermelon"(Setsuko Nozawa).

Watermelon has a typical summer flavor. Perhaps because it is big, in my memory, I associated it with being eaten together with several other people.

When food was in short supply, We would place in the center of the circle. Our voices became louder in anticipation of the feast long before the first cut was made. "As the watermelons is cut/the two halves collapse/ eaten to west"(Sojo Hino).

It is said that watermelon is one of the crops of the ancients, but its history in Japan is rather short. According to a pictorial record, the watermelon originated in the Kalahari Desert in the southern part of Africa and was already being cultivated in Egypt as long as 4.,000 years ago. It had spread to Greece by 3,000 years ago, and to Rome at the beginning of the Christian era.

It traveled the Silk Road from the Middle East and reached Hsiyu in the 12th century. This is probably the reason a combination of two Chinese characters meaning "western arc" is attached to the name of the fruit. Watermelon was introduced into Japan late, but it did not spread widely. It was not until a watermelon of superior quality came to Japan from the United States that the fruit began to be cultivated.

Nearly all the varieties of watermelon in Japan are spherical in shape, except for the Kurobe watermelon and a few others of Toyama Prefecture, but most American watermelon are elongated in shape. Americans often cut their watermelons in half, scope out the center to create a bowl out of the rind and mix the diced center with slices of other fruit to make fruit cocktail.

"Under the water/ I hold a melon/ cooler than the water"(Gosengoku Ueda). The quality of a watermelon is revealed by its sweetness and feel in the mouth, but coolness is no less a sine qua non. The old ways of cooling the melon in the water of seep well or in a stream probably sound like untold luxuries to the people of this generation. Watermelons are also said to be quite nutritious.

The watermelon is unmatched for stopping for the sweat of the coming hot season and soothing the dryness of the throat. A small species called "Kodama" (small ball) hss caught our eyes in recent years, perhaps because of the shrinking size of the family. Still, I feel the watermelon is best enjoyed in large, noisy slice. "When the watermelon is cut/the house fills/with its scent and color"(Sanki Saito).

Copy on 2012.10.5

63 ひめゆりたちの祈り '92 夏の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1992年10月12日 第1刷 P.14 (1992.5.25)












Actress Kyoko Kagawa has written her first book. The book is titled "The Prayers of Himeyuri Girls――The Message of Okinawa."

Everyone goes through an experience that takes on a crucial meaning later in life. In Kagawa's case, it was her appearance in the movie "Himeyuri no To"(The Star Lily Monument) about 40 years ago. The movie was set in Okinawa in the last days of World War Ⅱ. She played the role of a female student.

As American naval guns and air raids were pounding Okinawa, female students were mobilized for nursing activities at a Japanese army hospital. Drawn from the Women's Department of Okinawa Normal School and No.1 Okinawa Prefectural Girls' High School, they were called "Himeyuri Student Corps."

What awaited them was terrible. They attended on wounded soldiers in trenches smeared all over with blood, pus and filth. Additionally, the task of disposing of corpses fell on them.

The landing of U.S. forces sent Japanese defenders and the "himyuri nurses" fleeing, abandoning their trenches. The girls tended the wounded as the troops, taking them along, moved here and there aimlessly in search of shelter

The movie represented what actually occurred.

Okinawa was the only theater of ground war in Japan during World War Ⅱ. Local people not only suffered from American attacks but were also mistreated by the Japanese forces. There were, of course, good soldiers. Through her movie appearance, Kagawa formed "alumnalike" ties with survivors of the student corps and heard their accounts of the realities of war.

Twenty-seven survivors are giving testimony on the battle of Okinawa to visitors to the Himeyuri Peace Memorial Archives. They are playing the role to convey the horrors and follies of war to the generations that have not experienced war.

The actress was impressed with a sense of guilt felt by the survivors toward the deceased colleagues of the corps, leading them to think they have the obligation to let the later generations know how much they wanted to live.

Kagawa says in her book that what is horrible about war is that it dehumanizes people. Proceeding from accounts given by survivors, she checked into further details. She searched out a survivors who emigrated to Argentina after World War Ⅱ to get an account of how Kimiko Uehara, a respected chief nurse, had died. The book explains how she got to the emigrant.

The kind of people who know nothing about the contemporary history of Japan and have no real sense of what took place in those years is increasing, Kagawa's book imparts a resolve to let such people know of the cruelties of war and realize the preciousness of peace.

Copy on 2021 10.8

23 空海とうどん伝説 '92 冬の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1993年3月25日 第1刷 P.54 (1992.10.26)










In Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture, there is a grave that is said to have been made by Buddhist master Kukai for his dog. master Kukai for his dog. Kukai was sent to the Chinese city of Chang-An at the beginning of the 9th century during the great series of scholarly, religious and cultural exchanges for which the T'ang Dynasty is remembered in Japan. Kukai found the dog on a journey to India, and eventually brought it all the way back to Japan, where it is buried in Zentsuji. The story is told in the 14th issue of "Sanuki Udon" by Toshio Sugimine, a local historian of Kagawa, the birthplace of Kukai.

According to Sugimine's article, Kukai went to India in search of legendary medicines, but was received with little more than suspicion in that country. Finally given three grains of a medicinal herb, he cut open his leg and concealed them beneath the skin. As he was passing through a border-post on his way back to China, a dog scented the contraband and barked, but was unable to find the herb. The disgusted border guard beat the dog and let him for dead but Kukai took pity on the dog and nursed him back to life.

The "herbs" turned out to be wheat. Kukai brought the seeds back to Japan, where he proclaimed the virtues of the plant far and wide, eventually leading to the popularity of udon noodles.

Those are the "bare bones" of the legend of the origin of udon in Japan.

At the time, the city of Chang-An, at the crossroads of India and Central Asia, was a busting center for exchange of culture between East and West. Besides the food udon, much technology and knowledge came to Japan through the multitude of diplomatic envoys, students and priest scholars.

In that city, kukai studied Sanskrit and secret teachings that had been transmitted from India. Kukai founded the Shington sect of Buddhism upon his return to Japan. Besides that achievement, he built schools and irrigation networks, and taught how to make the brush used for Japanese calligraphy.

All these arts and crafts he learned in a period of two years. Of course, Kukai was the genius who achieved eternal fame with his posthumous name Kobo Daishi, but this still attests to the brilliance of the cultural richness of the city of Chang-An.

Archeologists tell us now that wheat was first brought to Japan sometime prior to the early Yayoi Period. Udon noodles were also born in China; the basic recipe for these appears to have come to Japan considerably before the journey of Kukai. Scholars have never proved that Kukai actually went to India. In his article about the grave of the dog, Sugimine is well aware of the facts, but cautions that we must respect the myth believed and handed down by the generations over the millennium gone by.

People's wisdom and passion are themselves what spawn culture and keep it alive. The name Chang-An stirs and renews our respect for the importance of cultural exchange. Chang-An, or as it is presently called, Xian is now known for its fried dumplings("gyoza" in Japanese) of many shapes and contents. Thanks to the efforts of our forebears with exactly the same ingredients, gyoza are related to udon noodles.

Copy 2012.10.10

33 幻 の 声 '92 秋の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1992年12月25日 第1刷 84 (1992.8.7)









参考:余禄「ダモクレスの剣」とは。毎日新聞 2018/9/25 東京朝刊




 "This is Hiroshima Central Broadcasting Station: Because of the air raid on Hiroshima we are unable to continue broadcasting. Osaka Central Broadcasting Station, please take over! Osaka, take over!"

A female high school student, then living in the folds of mountains to the north of Hiroshima Prefecture, apparently heard this anguished woman's voice on the radio immediately after the atomic bomb was dropped. After it was finally cut off, the girl continued to wonder about the fate of the owner of that beautiful voice. Thirty years later she wrote a letter of enquiry to Japan Broadcasting Corp. (NHK) in Tokyo. Since the radio station was instantaneously destroyed, was there really any such broadcast? With the letter in hand, former program planner Hisao Shirai began to seek out the truth.

There were other people who said they had heard the voice, but none of the station staff who were still alive could remember making such a broadcast. So where were the 36 staff members, including those who died, that day and what were they doing?Shirai tried to reconstruct the events of that fateful morning and pressed the broadcasting staff――whose memories still torment them――for their reluctant testimony on the painful "lost day" of the atomic explosion.

He came across some new facts as well. For the citizens subject to incessant aerial bombardments, warning on the radio provided a vital lifeline. However, warning of the approach of the Enola Gay carrying the atomic bomb was late. Shirai says that notice of the U.S. plane's approach was delivered to the radio station from the regional military headquarters just after the flash of the explosion. If the warning had been given even a minute earlier, tens of thousands of lives could have been saved.

The same casual attitude to human life inherent in the structure of the army of the time, and errors of judgement by those responsible are evident in the way warnings before the intensive Tokyo air-raids were handled.

Shirai has retired NHK. This summer, after 17 years of collecting material on the topic, he has put together a book called Maboroshi no Koe (The Ghostly Voice). As for the explanation of the woman's voice described at the beginning of this article, I will not reveal it here; but all this does show us that there still remain untold tragic tales of the atomic bomb even after a laps of 47 years.

Russia and the United States agreed in June to reduce the number of their nuclear warheads by roughly two-thirds before 2003. Nonetheless, we are still left with weapons which have over a hundred thousand times more destructive power than the one dropped on Hiroshima. This sword of Damocles continues to hang over the collective head of humanity.

Copy on 2021.10.23

  勲 章 辞 退 '92 冬の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1993年3月25日 第1刷 P.70 (1992.11.1)









42 男 子 の 本 懐 '92 冬の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1993年3月25日 第1刷 P.100 (1992.11.17)










It was on Nov. 14, 1930, that Prime Minister Osachi Hamaguchi was shot at Tokyo Station. At that time he was 60 years old. He was popular because of his serious and sincere character. A politician of the Minseito(Democratic Party), he was given the nickname "Lion Premier" because of his features.

His attacker was a young rightist, who identified as Tomeo Sagoya, a member of the Aikokusya. He fired a pistol at close range just when Hamaguchi was getting on the train. The bullet lodged in Hamaguchi's abdomen. His life was saved by an abdominal operation. He reportedly said, "This is a man's deepest satisfaction," when he received first-aid treatment at the station immediately after being shot.

There were worries that he would develop peritonitis. Since it was said such worries would disappear if he could release the gas in his intestines, the whole nation worried. "The first hoped for release occurred at 1:15 a.m. on Nov. 17. The report, "Gas was released," was relayed everywhere. The following happy was penned by the physician in charge: "In the autumn night/One fart resounds/Across the whole country."

The Hamaguchi Cabinet signed the London naval disarmament treaty. The opposition party, Seiyukai, attacked this as among rightist, and the man who shot Hamaguchi listed "infringement of the supreme command as one of the reason for his attack. Voices demanding that Hamaguchi appear in the Diet grew stronger. In March the following year, he went to the Diet despite his illness.

His forced appearance in the Diet resulted in his condition worsening. He resigned as prime minister in April and died in August. He must have been extremely vexed. After being shot, he underwent rehabilitation, such as walking practice, in his official residence so that he could go to the Diet. Prior to his appearance in the Diet on March 10, family members asked him to desist from going. At that time he uttered the following words.

"I'm all right. A politician must not lie or make excuses. As long as I have stated that I would appear in the Diet in the first 10 days of March, I must appear on March 10 even at the risk of my life. If the public comes doubt the statements of politicians, government cannot be carried out. If you think that Hamaguchi died at Tokyo Station, there is no regret whatsoever."

We have not heard such words by a politician recently. Today's politicians have neither satisfaction nor resolution nor sense of responsibility.

Copy on 2012.10.12

参考図書:城山三郎著『男子の本懐』(新潮文庫)昭和五十八年十二月二十五日 二刷


73 一 陽 来 復 '92 冬の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1993年3月25日 第1刷 P.100 (1992.12.21)











 上の句はどんな五文字でもよい、下に「湯気の向うの友の顔」と続ければ形になる。これは駄句の見本だそうな。愚作「同窓会 湯気の向こうの 友の顔」(2022.12.26)



Holding out my palm/ The sun's pale rays at winter solstice/ Fade upon my desk.(Sou Minayoshi)

The sunlight seemed to lose most of its warmth these days. That is not too far the truth; on Dec. 21. the winter solstice, the sun reaches the lowest angle at the zenith that it reaches all year. This is the shortest day of the year.

Not at the regions are the same in this respect, but as many people would tell you, some have the custom of eating certain foods on this day. These include foods like "tojigayu"(winter solstice rice gruel), pumpkin, "konnyaku"(devil's tongue paste) and rice cakes. But the custom I enjoy the most is taking a citron bath, where citrons or Chinese lemons are set afloat in the bathtub.

White, white bodies drawn in/ Women in the steaming citron bath(Sojo Hino)

A delicious, warm aroma rises from the ample water. I take my time in the bath. I spread my arms and legs out as far as they will go in a kind of catharsis

It is all very well to enjoy the citron bath alone, but winter solstice is a special chance for the family to enjoy the bath together.

I take the baby's bottom in my hand/ And lower her in/The Winter Solstice bath.(Hiryoshi Tagawa)

The spring and smoothness of a baby's skin remind us of the energy of life. One of the interesting things about winter solstice is that, exactly because it is the time when the sun is at its weakest, we have the most expectations for and are the most sensitive to the beginnings of new life. After all, it is the shortest day of the year. Conditions can't get any more severe than this. The sun is at the most feeble, but the time when farmers are the most anxious about the success of the new season is, when you think about it, the time when things begin to get better. The world begins to return from feebleness to rejuvenation, from death to revival.

This same, wonderful concept of rejuvenation must be why many cultures share in considering this day the beginning of hope of a return to life. Some have called this day "ichiyo-raifuku" (revival of the "yang"). According to a famous prophecy of the Chou Dynasty, this is the day on which "yin" reaches its most extreme, and from which "yang" begins to reappear.

The temperature drops to its lowest mark after winter solstice. We are approaching the end of the year, and tend to feel nervous and pursued by our tasks. Let us take care not to catch cold. It is the season for groups to gather around the stew-pot.

The words "Yuge no mukou no/Tomo no kao"(On the other side of the rising steam/My friends' faces) make an ideal second and third line to a haiku. The first line is up to you. Anyone for a bit of home-made doggerel?

On 2012.10.15

73 一 「忘年」より「望年」を '92 冬の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1993年3月25日 第1刷 P.194 (1992.12.29)

 「思い出すとは、忘るるか 思い出さずや忘れねば」。












"Omoidasu towa/Wasururuka/Omoidasazuya/Wasureneba" This is one entry in the collection of ballads, "Kanginshu," which is said to have been compiled at the end of the Muromachi Era(1392-1573). Is it a piece that a woman sent back to a man, saying, "Does your saying you remembered me mean that you had been forgotten me?"

It is true that if he had not forgotten her, he would not remember her. When the man courts her, saying, "I remember you," the woman immediately catches him on his own words.

As the year-end nears, "bonenkai"(forget-the year parties) are being held everywhere. They are parties to forget the trials and tribulation of the past year. When we think about it, even if we don't exert efforts to forget the past year, aren’t we fully forgetful like the man in the above- quoted ballad?

I blush in shame at my own forgetfulness. In this column I wrote about in London play, "The Mousetrap," that achieved a record of 40 years of continuous performance, but I forget the name of the theater where I saw the play over 2o years ago and believed I had seen it at the theater where it is being performed now.

It is currently being staged at the St. Martin's Theater, but in the beginning it was staged at the Ambassadors Theater next door. The Ambassadors was closed down, and play moved to the theater next door 18 years ago. A friend in London teased me about my confused, vague memory.

Yukio Mishima once said, "Human beings could not possibly endure life if there were not forgetfulness and the accompanying glorification of the past." Life is like that. But this year was a year in which there were many events that we cannot possibly forget.

One of them was the behavior of politicians. Corruption continues unchanged. Government will not become better until voters say they are sick and tired of endless scandals and firmly imprint them in their memories so as not to forget this time. Japan itself cannot get along in the international society if it forgets its past.

Drafting the future is possible only if we firmly remember history and exert efforts to transmit that history to future generations. Rather than "bonen"(forget the year), it should be "bonen"(hope year) based on past memories.

Copy on 2012.10.16

6 童謡詩人 金子みすゞの詩 '93 夏の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1993年8月31日 第1刷 P.14 (1993.4.7)





 「土」という題の詩。「こッつん こッつん/打(ぶ)たれる土は/よい畠になって/よい麦生むよ。/朝から晩まで/踏まれる土は/よい路(みち)になって/車を通すよ。/打たれぬ土は/踏まれぬ土は/要らない土か。/いえいえそれは/なのない草の/お宿をするよ。」



参考:金子みすゞず(本名:かねこ テル)(1903~1930年) 山口県大津郡仙崎村(現・長門市仙崎)



Novelist Setsuo Yazaki was shocked to read the following poem when he was a student.

It is the morning glow/The fishermen have made a large catch/A rich harvest of oba iwashi (a kind of sardine)/The beach is abuzz like a festival/But a funeral must be on in the sea/ To mourn the scores of thousands of fish.

The poem, titled Tairyo (Large Catch), was composed by Misuzu Kaneko. "The poem struck me with its depth, tenderness and penetrating quality, turning my point of view around. Human beings had occupied the center of my way of looking at things," Yazaki says. He wanted to know more about Kaneko, but this inquiry proved difficult as her other works could not easily be found.

The findings of Yazaki's inquiry are detailed in his recently published book The Life of Misuzu Kaneko, a Poet Who Wrote for Children.

  The book has an account of how the author found three collections of Kaneko's poems that had been published posthumously.

It also contains information the novelist obtained from his inquiry at Kaneko's birthplace, Senzaki in Nagato, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and from visiting her relatives and friends.

According to the book, Kaneko was born 90 years ago and started contributing children's songs to magazines when she was about 20 years old.

Her talent was acknowledged by Yaso Saijo, a famous poet. She married and had children, but she died at the age of 26. She wrote many heartwarming poems in a short time.

An example, titled Tsuchi(Earth): The earth that is beaten/Makes good cropland and produces good barley/The earth that is trodden on from morning till night/Makes a good road for vehicles/The earth that is neither beaten nor trodden on/Is it useless earth?/No, it provides the soil for nameless grass.

The poem conveys kaneko's message: to be viewed as useless or to be nameless does not utterly affect the value of a thing.

It is not only heartwarming, but also upright.

Another example, suitable for the start of a new school year and titledWatashi to Kotori to Suzu to(I, a Little Bird, and a Bell):

Even if I flap my hands/I cannot fly at all/But a little bird that can fly/Cannot run on the ground as fast as me/Even if I shake my body/I cannot make pleasing sounds/But that ringing bell does not know many songs unlike me/The bell, the little bird, and I are all different/But make a fine trio nevertheless.

Copy on 2021.10.24

13 宮沢・クリントン会談 天声人語 '93 夏の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日 1993年8月310日 第1刷 P.30 (1993.4.15)










Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa will go to the United States and have meeting with President Bill Clinton. A point of interest is the difference in age between the two. One was born the year after the end of World War Ⅰ, while the other one was born the year after the end of World War Ⅱ.

When Clinton was born in August 1946, Miyazawa was about to become 27. Miyazawa made his first visit to the United States before World War Ⅱ when he was a 19-year-old university student. He participated in a Japan-America student conference and was shocked by the free expression of pro and con opinions by the American students.

Miyazawa, who entered the employ of the Finance Ministry the year the Pacific War started, became an aid to Finance Minister Hayato Ikeda in 1949. For several years after that, together with Ikeda, he worked on the restoration of Japan's finances and economy while dealing with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Budget Bureau Director Joseph M. Dodge.

"Although we wanted to convey Japanese opinions to the United States, at that time we had no diplomatic office and no typewriters there. It was a pitiful time. In negotiating with the United States, I have many unpleasant experiences from the time of defeat through the occupation years," he said. He attended the peace treaty conference, for which he made preparations, as an aid to plenipotentiary Shigeru Yoshida.

It can be said that Miyazawa lived in the middle of U.S.-Japan relations through the prewar, wartime and postwar periods. On the other hand, when Clinton was 19, Japan was in the middle of its high economic growth age, He could not possibly imagine the situation in Japan immediately after the end of World War Ⅱ. Consequently, the images of Japan and the United States recorded in their memories when they were young men must be very different.

These two are meeting. There probably are many things they can learn from each other. It would be good if the meetings become good opportunities for mutual understanding. Instead of practical negotiations on economic problems, how about Miyazawa holding frank discussions on the international situation and the new world order with Clinton, who was a university student at the time of the anti-Vietnam War movement.

The language that will be used arouses interest. Prime minister Hayato Ikeda, when he visited the United States in 1961, did not speak English. Miyazawa, who accompanied Ikeda then, recollected that this was good because not speaking English prevented Ikeda from being dragged into the American pace. But if it is lively discussion with the top priority being a deepening of understanding, any language should be all right.

Copy on 2012.10.3

餠の文化 天声人語 '93 春の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日[訳]1993年6月3日 第1刷 P. (1993.1.1)













It is a new year; 1993 has dawned. New Year's Day/A hawk cuts across/The sky above the hill.(Shuoushi. Mizuhara)

Time flows without interruption, and there is no visible cut-off place. Still the strange thing is that there is a tranquil feeling all around, completely different from that which prevailed until yesterday. Everything has changed in appearance, and the feeling of the people have been completely refreshed. This atmosphere is peculiar to the New Year's Day.

There must be all kinds of customs in various parts of the country. The custom of eating rice cakes must be common through-out the nation. It is said that the rice cake culture was transmitted to Japan from Southeast Asia along with the rice paddy culture. Rice cakes are indispensable on auspicious occasions.

Is it cut into squares? Or is it made round? It differs according to the district. "Zoni," a soup that contains rice cakes, varies depending on the family, with each adding different ingredients such as vegetables. Each family sticks to its customs. It is interesting when you surmise that rice cakes have been eaten in the same way for several or dozens of generations.

Rice cakes also appear on occasions which are not auspicious, When you hear that someone of the same age has died, you pound rice cakes and stop up your ears with the rice cakes. This is the custom called "mimi fusagi mochi," or rice cakes to plug the ears. People must have thought that rice cakes have spiritual, mysterious powers.

According to one book, people in ancient times lined up rice cakes made in the image of their souls and tried to refresh their spiritual power. Rice cakes given by superiors to those under them were called "toshidama", or New Year's gift. This gradually became unified into the cash form of "otoshidama" given to children at New Year's.

Tea shops on high peaks sell rice cakes. They apparently have been doing so since ancient times. The rice cakes are called "chikaramochi," or energy rice cake. The thinking that you will gain strength if you eat rice cakes is probably a sort of belief in the power that rice cakes possess. Is it the same thinking that is behind the custom of making a 1-year-old child carry rice cakes on his or her back?

If you eat rice cake, you think about various things. You wonder what your predecessors thought and what kind of prayers they offered as they ate rice cakes at New Year's and Boys' Festival. We today each have our own prayers at the beginning of the year.

Let's pray that this year will be a rich year, too. An eagle comes down/This year of snowfields/Is new.(Sodo Yamaguchi)

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14 M・L・キング牧師の夢 '93 春の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日[訳]1993年6月3日 第1刷 P.36 (1993.1.18)











The third in January is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It was chosen as his birthday falls on or near this day. The occasion has been an American national holiday for seven years and is marked by memorial services in his final resting place, Atlanta, Georgia, and at many other locations across the United States.

The words of the famous minister which probably resound in the most people's hearts are from his speech in Washington, D.C. in August 1963.

"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream……"

King passionately described six dreams he held in his heart for "one day." The reactions of his equally impassioned audience of over 200,000 are preserved beyond the sound of his voice on the tape of the speech.

Dr. King first rose to fame during the fight over the rights of black and white bus passengers in Montgomery, Alabama. He led a group in a strike to protest the ignominious custom which dictated that a black passenger had to give up a bus seat to a white passenger. More and more of the black population of Montgomery joined the strikers until they reached a total 50,000. The strike went on for a year, and the bus company finally capitulated and declared the equal right of black riders to bus seats. Martine Luther King was 27 years.

He was 34 at the time of his famous speech in Washington, D.C., and 35 when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Then, at the age of 39, he was assassinated.

Dr. King told an audience of 2,000 the night before he was killed that he would like to live along life, but it does not matter any longer, for he saw the Promised Land from the mountaintop he has been to. It was to be his last speech. He had been stabbed in the chest, his home and places he was scheduled o stay had been bombed, he had been stoned and arrested without cause, but through it all, he had not faltered in his nonviolent quest for liberty.

But the dream of Martin Luther King has yet to come true. The movement for the liberation of Americans of color that came of age in 1960s sputtered and fragmented. Statistics show that the number of black Americans entering universities has dropped, and black unemployment is double the rate for white Americans. A contributing factor is poverty; the average black household has only 60 percent of the income of the white household. This problem will be one of the main themes of the incoming Democratic administration, the first in 12 years.

This year is the 25th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King.

Copy on 2021.10.26

16 大 寒 天声人語 '93 春の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日[訳]1993年月30日 第1刷 P.406 (1993.1.20)











With Mt. Fuji in the distance/Men push a boat to sea/ Braving the coldest day of the season.(Sanki Saito)

Today is "daikan," supposedly the coldest day of winter. The 30-day period preceding "risshun"(the first day of spring under the old calendar) on Feb. 4 is called "kan"(the coldest season). The period is divided into two, the first half considered as "shokan"(literally "little cold") and the second half as "daikan"("big cold").

The proverb "unlined hemp kimono in the 'kan' season and cotton-padded kimono on 'doyo' (the hottest day of the year)" is cited as an illustration of something that is out of season and unnecessary or doing the opposite of what should be done.

The lowest temperatures on record in Japan were registered during the "daikan" period. The record temperature of minus 41 degrees Celcius in Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, was set on Jan. 25, 1902. A cold wave at that time took a heavy death toll among members of Aomori Infantry Regiment during their training march through Mt. Hakkoda in Aomori Prefecture.

With the face guard removed/ A young lady emerges/ During the "kan" fencing drill.(Momoe Nagata)

Cold weather is a hardship. People pluck up their spirits to over-come. Among the specific forms the exercise takes are "kangeiko" (athletic drills in the "kan" season), "kan nenbutsu"(chanting Buddhist sutras),"kan gori"(pouring cold water over one's body, while praying to the gods), and "kan gyo"(extended mid-winter training for Buddhists).

There is also "kan biki"(strumming in the "kan" season) for those learning to play "shamisen," a guitar-like instruments. Another name for the mid-drills is "kan zarai"("kan" exercises).

A bird called "kankucho" is a product of imagination. Having no feathers, it suffers from the night cold. It changes its mind in the morning and decides against making a nest. It is said that the bird changes its mind from a sense of futility――a sense that nothing remains unchanged――or from satisfaction with the warmness of the day. The bird is used as an illustration of a lazy person who does not make efforts for self-improvement.

Fish caught at this time of year, such as "kan buri"(mid-winter yellowtail) and "kan buna" (crucian carp), is tasty o eat because of the increased fat. There are many other names with the prefix of "kan," such as "kan giku"(chrysanthemum), "kan udo"(Aralia cordata), "kan goi"(carp), "kan tamago"(egg), and "kan garasu"(crow).

The traditional image of "kan garasu" is a bird perched on a bare tree. The crows which live in the cities these days are so fat that the image they project is completely different.

I have spent so long a time/Watching "kan" sparrows/That I can tell some from the others.

The chinese character for "kan" is said to denote "poverty." Terms like "kanson"(poor village), "kanzan"(deserted mountain), and "kanrin"(deserted forest) reflect solitariness. Being penniless is called "sukanpin"(literally meaning "nakedly cold and poor"). Nowadays there's heating in most places we spend our time, but feeling cold was perceived to be directly related to poverty until some time ago.

Enduring the coldest season, people make various devices to fill themselves with spirits to cope with it. But there areas where such efforts do not work. Several scores of people in the former Yugoslavia have died in the single night. It is shuddering news.

Copy on 2021.10.27

20 大荒れの後継総裁選び 天声人語 '93 秋の号(朝日新論説委員室)+株式会社英文朝日[訳]1993年11月30日 第1刷 P.46 (1993.7.24)











"Boy, was it rough!"

"Oh, you're talking about the Liberal Democratic Party. It really was very stormy. The resignation of Kiichi Miyazawa as party president, selection of his successor and the first hearing in the case of former LDP kingpin Shin Kanemaru all fell on the same day.

"The debate in the meeting of LDP Diet members over selecting the next party president was really worth seeing.

"The statements by young Diet members were violent."

"They frankly and clearly criticized the attempt by the party executives to have the next president decided through discussions among the faction chairmen and party executives."

"They charged it was a closed deal. They demanded that the matter be decided through open debate."

"One member even said the party executives there were A class war criminals and that Miyazawa was only a class C war criminal."

"The party executives have outmoded characters. The prime minister lacked resolution and leadership. The young Diet members felt dissatisfied. The impression is that there were many actors, but it seems that two things are fighting through various movements."

"What two things?" "Words reason or logic. It is words that can be understood by everyone and words that muster in public."

"The young members demand that the next president be decided in a place and manner which can be seen by everyone."

"The other thing is an opposite existence, the power of the closed room, if it were. It is the principle of not explaining with words, not bringing the matter out into the open and not appealing to reason, but depending on human relationships."

"Dango, faction-controlled politics and the first proposal by the party executives――these are all what you're talking about."

"As to where that power comes from, isn't it money eventually?" "They collect money from somewhere. They use the money to gather people, and there number becomes power."

"Distribution of Cabinet and party is also the source of power."

"A model of this method is defendant Kanemaru."

"Miyazawa may have belonged to the word faction, but he was overcome by the power faction."

"Make politics a forum for fighting with words――this is the common sense of a just society."

"The old-fashioned party executives may think common sense cannot be condoned." In the old days, there were the following words, "Dangerous thinking is the thinking thattries to implement common sense."

"Oh, you're quoting the writer Ryunosuke Akutagawa."

"Today is the anniversary of his death."

Copy on 2021.10.02

4 七草粥 天声人語 '94 春[英文対照](朝日新論説委員室)朝日イブニングニュース訳 1994年5月31日 初版発行 P. (1994.1.7)









 4. The magnificent seven herbs of spring

Now what were haru no nana-kusa(traditional seven herbs of spring)? People remember their names in different ways.

Some say them by rote, in the same order they learned them at elementary school: suzuna(turnip),suzushiro(Japanese radish), seri(Japanes parsely),nazuna(shepherd's purse), gogyo(cotton weed), hakobera(chickweed),hotokenoza(henbit>. The traditional five and seven syrable verse form gives the list a mnemonic rhythm.

There is another way of memorizing the names――by arranging them to sound like a tanka, or Japanese poem of 31 syllables: "Seri, nazuna, gogyo, hakobera, hotokenoza, suzushiro. Kore-zo nana-kusa(These are what we call the seven herbs)." It is said that these kinds of poems that list seven types of things are found in old books.

Whereas aki no nana-kusa(the seven plants of autumn) are all flowering plants that are beautiful to look at, the seven herbs of spring are all edible, practical plants.

The Japanese traditionally eat nana-kusa gayu a kind of rice porridge that includes the seven spring herbs, on Jan.7. This tradition seems to stem frm the ancient Chinese practice of protecting oneself against evil spirits and illness by eating atumono(hoto soup), made from seven kinds of vegetables. The wisdom of eating green vegetables in the middle of winter has no doubt helped maintain this tradition.

Seri is grown in water. The seeds of the nazuna are shaped like the plectrums used for playing the shamisen(a stringed instrument), and the plant is widely known as penpen-gusa because of the sound made by the instrument. Gogyo is also known as hako-gusa, and hakobera as hakobe. Many people must have childhood memories of feeding these plants to their chikens and rabbits.

Htokenozais thought to be the same as the plant called koonitabiraka, which grows in water in winter. Suzuna is generally taken to be the turnip, usually called kabu, but there are other explanations. Suzushiro is assumed to be the daikon, or Japanese radish. All of them are familiar plants in Japan.

Picking plants, like collecting shellfish at low tide, gives you the feeling that you're engaged in same kind of ancient food gathering practice. Picking dandelion leaves with the villagers during a stay in Greece was a pleasant experience. We are able to enjoy the blessings of nature by eating a salad made with leaves we had gathered.

Faced with a food shortage during the last war we ate any edible plants we could find. In a conversation we had with friends, we remembered that "only the leaves of yatsude (Fatsia japonica) were impossible to eat because they are too tough."

While eating nana-kusa gayu, we give thanks, in the same way our forebears gave thanks, for the plants of the earth. At the same time we also confirm our primordial urge to consume green plants. Or we reflect upon our lavish daily diet. Nana-kusa gayu must have a variety of different flavors.

ドーバー海峡トンネル 天声人語 '94 春[英文対照](朝日新論説委員室)朝日イブニングニュース訳 1994年5月31日 初版発行 P.114 (1994.3.3)







 50. Tunnel realizes centuries-old dream

The Strait between Britain and France has been connected by a seabed tunnel, and the first train will run between London and Paris this summer. The length of the tunnel, including the part dug on land, is about 40 kilometers, equivalent to the distance between Tokyo and Totsuka or between Osaka and Suma.

The tunnel idea was broached in the middle of the 18th century. It is said that a French geologist explained the plan to the king and that later a mining technician recommended it to Napoleon Ⅰ. The proposal was conceived as a way to obtain a military advantage.

It was, of course, an age when there were no cars or trains. The tunnel blueprint that the technician designed still exists. In it, lamps are hung on walls to illuminate it, and horse-drawn carts are going through. Chimneys to enable people and horses to breathe jut above the sea, and there are drainage ditches to handle horse droppings.

From that era until modern times, over 20 plans were developed. Construction began in the late 1970s, but was suspended when many Britons objected to the cost.

The British seem to have a deep-rooted anxiety about being connected by land to the rest of Europe. This may be because they have witnessed from their nearby vantage point on the opposite shore the continent's tragic wars of the past.

In Normandy, on the French side of the Strait of Dover, various events are scheduled June 6 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of D-Day――the largest landing operation in World War Ⅱ and the one that was beginning of end for Nazi Germany. While anxiety about war still envelope the former Eastern Europe, completion of the tunnel is a concrete embodiment of the hope that peace will continue in Europe.

The tunnel will be only for trains. Automobiles will be transported on the trains. Travel time for passenger trains will be 3 hours between London and Paris and 3 hours 15 minutes between London and Brussels.

Japanese travel agents say they are receiving many inquiries from those wanting to be the first train through the tunnel. Details, including fare, have not been decided, possibly because railway officials want to confirm the safety of the cars to be used. Although some loose ends still need to be tied up, the realization of the long-standing tunnel dream is welcome.

Cope on 2012.10.2

☆78 Japan as Number One Lessons for America Ezra F. Vogel

Japan as Number One Lesson for America

Charlse E. Turtle Co.: Publishers P.125~139


IN 1958, fresh with a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Social Relations, I set out as a social scientist seeking generalizations about the family and Japan not because I was a Japan specialist, for my ignorance was vast, but because Japan of all the modern countries seemed most different and hence the critical for testing hypotheses about modern society. I was convinced that to make meaningful statements about the family and mental health in Japan I first had to become immersed in Japanese life. By the time my wife and I had been engulfed in two years of language study, research, and Japanese-style living apart from foreigners, I found myself far more interested in Japan itself than in social science generalizations. In my field work report, Japan's New Middle Class, I tried to delve into the inner life of Japanese families who were first our research subjects and later our friends, leaving generalizations to others.

For the next two decades I could not satiate my curiosity about Japanese society. I went to Japan almost every year, continued to revisit old friends, read the research reports of others, and kept reorganizing my thoughts each time I taught my course on Japanese society at Harvard. New mysteries, new subtleties, new dimensions of Japan kept appearing, and its constant change was a seemingly in inexhaustible gold mine for intellectual curiosity.

In the last several years, however, I have found myself, like other Americans, increasingly preoccupied with what is happening in America, with the decline of our confidence in government, with our difficulty in coping with problems such as crime, urban disorganization, unemployment, inflation, and government deficits. When I first returned to the United States from Japan in 1960, I had not even questioned the general superiority of American society and American institutions. In almost every field we are substantially ahead of Japan, our natural and human resources seemed more than adequate. By 1975 I found myself, like my Japanese friends, wondering what had happened to America.

In the country I originally chose to study for other reasons had become extraordinarily successful. Japan will does not have the world's largest gross national producer, nor is it the leading country in the world politically or culturally. Yet the more I observed Japan's success in a variety of fields, the more I became convinced that given its limited resources, Japan has dealt more successfully with more of the basic problems of postindustrial society than any other country. It is in this sense, I have come to believe, that the Japanese are number one.

Astounded by recent Japanese successes, I found myself wondering why Japan, without natural resources, was making substantial progress in dealing with problems which seemed so intractable in America. Convinced that Japan had lessons for other countries, I was no longer content to look at Japan only as a fascinating intellectual mystery. I wanted to understand the success of the Japanese in dealing with practical questions. My first inclination was to examine how such Japanese virtues as hard work, patience, self-disciple, and sensitivity to others contributed to their success. But the more I examined the Japanese approach to the modern organization, the business community, and the bureaucracy, the more I became convinced that Japanese success had less to do with traditional character than traits than with specific organizational structures, policy programs, and conscious planning. For several years I have been wrestling with the problem of understanding Japan's successes, and this book is the result of my intellectual labors.

I have wondered why it is that the full scope of Japanese success has not been presented more forcefully to the American people, especially since the most knowledgeable American business, government, and academic specialists on Japan are so acutely aware of them. I have concluded that the answer is deceptively simple. Most Japanese understate their successes because they are innately modest, and more purposive Japanese, wanting to rally domestic forces or to reduce foreign pressures, have chosen to dramatize Japan's potential disasters. On the American side, our confidence in the superiority of Western civilization and our desire to see ourselves as number one make it difficult to acknowledge that we have practical things to learn from Orientals. I have convinced that it is a matter of urgent national interest for Americans to confront Japanese successes more directly and consider the issues they raise.

Since my message departs from conventional wisdom about matters of great importance, it is vulnerable to criticism. Some will say I have been Japan only through rose-colored glasses, that I can see harmony but not conflict, that I think more of the privileged than the underprivileged, that I am concerned with efficiency but not democracy, that I underestimate the difficulty of borrowing from a different culture, and that my faith in America is wanting. I hope the reader will conclude that I make no effort to conceal Japan's difficulties, but the aim of this work is not present a rounded, balanced picture of how Japanese society works and how the individual is shaped. Its purpose is to describe selected aspects of the Japanese national system that are so effective that they contain lessons for America. Japan has many institutions America would not want to copy, and these will be mentioned. The successes Japan does have come at a price, and the price needs to be considered. Japan is by no means a utopia and to some extent shares the full range of problems found in every modern society. If at times my description of Japanese practices sounds like a model rather than an empirical description with all its complexities, distortions, and imperfections, it is not because I desire to idealize Japan but rather because I wish to elucidate the essential features of a model we might consider for adoption. The desirable features of the Japanese system are often based on the cultural traits different from our own which are not easily adopted, but deep structural changes are possible, as the Japanese proved in borrowing from the West. If anything, this book is written because of faith in America, a faith that we do not shirk difficult problems, that we will not be satisfied to hide behind "the America way" to preserve indefinitely undesirable remnants of the past, and that we can make necessary adaptations, even if they fly in the face of once-conventional wisdom and require learning lessons from people we had not regarded as mentors.

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